Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Oral Presentation Day

So today is the day of my Oral presentation, after successfully submitting my professional inquiry portfolio. Today I am docked in Valletta, Malta, and have hired out the use of a conference room inside a Hotel to conduct my presentation via Skype. I am fortunate to have the use of the Hotel's high speed Wifi connection. (Something that I haven't experienced for some considerable time now).
I wish you all the very best with your presentations and well done for those that presented yesterday!

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Submission Date Imminent!

With only one week left, I'm working as hard as ever to complete my critical review of my professional inquiry along with my artefact.
Having received my feedback from Paula, I've learned that there still is a lot more that I must do prior to submitting my work. It is always good to receive guidance and advice, especially during this time, which I can only describe as one of the most challenging times of this course. 
I am continuing to persevere and I am making a conscious effort to make sure I do the best I can in this final week of study.

Sunday, 17 April 2016


Now we're into the 10th week and almost at the end of this module! I think I have managed to interview all the people I can and source all the literature before I start to run out of time. It's now time to present all of my analysis of the findings of my professional inquiry on paper and in my artifact. I'm working very hard to get the majority of this completed, ready to send off to my adviser.

I'm currently struggling to fit with the word count. I'm focusing on getting all my points down first and making sure I don't miss anything off. With my experience of the previous modules, I know I shall tidy and tighten everything up prior to submitting my work.

My artifact is slowly coming together. Using my little Sony notebook (laptop) to create it is proving to be very challenging. Nevertheless, I must persevere...

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

It's Arrived!

Update - April

The start of April saw the Introduction of a new Internet plan on board. This means that I no longer have to purchase Internet Cards but Data Packages instead. No longer do I have to keep a close watch on the timer on my screen running out whilst I await for a page to load what may or may not have been what I was looking for in the first place! However, from having an unlimited data allowance. I now have a cap of 500mb per package. This means I have lost the ability to conduct lengthy Skype sessions whilst at Sea. I've yet to test how many minutes of Skype video calling I can make use of with the 500mb allowance. But I shall definitely be putting this to the test!

The on-board Internet plan change over cost me a weeks worth of Internet connectivity. (The main source for my literature information and other forms of media whilst at sea). However all is up and working and I am now plowing through, back in the middle of conducting my professional inquiry. 

Although I've not yet finished conducting my inquiry, I have started to piece together the foundations for my artifact. Having already lost one of my laptops due to it breaking down on me. It is down to my secondary, smaller laptop to be up for the challenge of taking on this task. Slowly but surely the inquiry process is coming together. I'm very much looking forward to seeing what the following days bring!

Finally, after 5 weeks. A book I  had ordered has finally arrived to the ship (having already succumbed to purchasing a digital copy. But nevertheless, I much prefer reading a real book than a digital version of a publication! 

Conducting my Professional Inquiry - Module 3

Update for March!

March was a busy month for me. Having to acquire all of the literature I deemed necessary to conduct my inquiry whilst at sea was somewhat...difficult! 

Having bought many an Internet card and after laborious attempts and willing the Internet connectivity on, I had managed to source and acquire enough literature material to start conducting my literature reviews. (This was probably the most time consuming part of my inquiry process.) That being said, much of March was taken up by reading, analysis and conducting my literature reviews. Which again a slow, but steady process, using Harts purposes of a review (published in his book 'Doing a Literature Review' -1998) it helped to structure the way that I conducted it. Even still I have a few more pieces of literature reviews to do.

March also saw the beginning of my first few interviews for this inquiry. I was very surprised when approaching my prospective volunteers to see how willing they were to donate their views and opinions. (Especially when they realised it was all anonymous!) This part of the inquiry process was probably one of the most straight forward on board. I've still got enough time to ask for one or two more volunteers! But I shall begin to draw up an analysis on these too.

Sunday, 28 February 2016

Module 3!

Last module, the frequency of publications on my BAPP arts blog somewhat suffered due to the lack of internet connectivity I was experiencing. However I am certain that this shan't be an issue this module!

To give you an update where I am with things on the course. At the end of module 2. I had constructed a plan for my Professional Inquiry. This outlined the context of the inquiry, methodology among other elements.

Having commenced Module 3, I have begun writing up a summary of updates to my original inquiry plan. This is to iron out any issues that I have encountered with my original plan prior to commencing the inquiry. I'm looking forward to commencing the conduct of my inquiry. From which I hope will result in many interesting findings that will benefit me further as an industry professional.

I shall continue to interact with my SIGs (special interest groups) ad also my fellow BAPP students and comment on blog posts. Feel free to drop a comment or message etc. I would only be too happy to hear about how your inquiry's are progressing.