Sunday 17 April 2016


Now we're into the 10th week and almost at the end of this module! I think I have managed to interview all the people I can and source all the literature before I start to run out of time. It's now time to present all of my analysis of the findings of my professional inquiry on paper and in my artifact. I'm working very hard to get the majority of this completed, ready to send off to my adviser.

I'm currently struggling to fit with the word count. I'm focusing on getting all my points down first and making sure I don't miss anything off. With my experience of the previous modules, I know I shall tidy and tighten everything up prior to submitting my work.

My artifact is slowly coming together. Using my little Sony notebook (laptop) to create it is proving to be very challenging. Nevertheless, I must persevere...

1 comment:

  1. I cannot believe we are almost coming to the end. I am struggling with the word count too Granger, I am 500 words over, I do not know where I can cut information from. I found the analysis quite difficult, there seemed to be so many ideas and themes I struggled to know where to focus, I just hope I have focussed in the right areas and I am not barking up the wrong tree. I hope it is all coming together for you and that your sony notebook stays faithful ha ha xxx
