Do some very specific ideas emerge about your networking and sources? Does
your engagement to date seem appropriate? Limited? Focused? Planned?
I think that my levels of engagement in my networks are appropriate. However, after studying Module 1, I now know that there is much more that I could do with the networks that I have already established. Learning of the different concepts of networking has made me more aware of what it is that I have been unknowingly doing in the past which, looking back, must have limited me in part in my career and professional development. I am now able to understand how I can learn by utilising my networks in different ways and think about applying the concepts. I am aware that I could be more focused when it comes to networking, as it is most probable that I would achieve more success by doing so, which is hopefully something I expect to become much better at as I learn and develop throughout this course.
Are your ideas, position or concerns shared by others within and/or beyond your
professional area of work?
The ratio between work available and the number of people seeking employment in my professional area is very low. There are many people seeking to fill the same position. Therefore, it wouldn't be too bold to suggest that a lot of people are likely to share the same or similar ideas on how to obtain any given role. One of my concerns is that given the government's budget cuts to the arts, will these cuts cause so much strain on the industry that the amount of work available will decrease, making it even harder for professionals to find employment?
The ratio between work available and the number of people seeking employment in my professional area is very low. There are many people seeking to fill the same position. Therefore, it wouldn't be too bold to suggest that a lot of people are likely to share the same or similar ideas on how to obtain any given role. One of my concerns is that given the government's budget cuts to the arts, will these cuts cause so much strain on the industry that the amount of work available will decrease, making it even harder for professionals to find employment?
Does sharing ideas and communicating with others shift your thinking, planning
or practice?
I think sharing ideas and communicating with others constantly shifts my way of thinking, planning, and practice. A vast majority of what we learn is through communication, so it would be wrong to suggest that the sharing of ideas and communicating didn't affect my way of thinking. I believe that, generally speaking, we are all nurtured and encouraged to share ideas and to communicate. I have mentioned the term 'mutual inspiration' in previous posts. I believe that working with others can often help the improvement in quality of my work, frequently listening to and learning from other people's opinions and experiences can improve my creative insight and inspire me to persevere with my work.
Does critical reflection help you decide what really matters and the actions to
Yes, I believe it does. I think that critical reflection enables us to knowingly learn from our experiences rather than just letting the experience be a memory. Since working on this module, I have been actively reflecting considerably more than before. It helps me to extract a lot more information from my experiences, including other perspectives beyond what is obvious, causing me to think and to look at things in a different way which, in turn, helps me to make wiser, more educated decisions on what actions to take.
To what extent do concepts and theories assist you in thinking about your
professional networking in different ways? And do these different ways of thinking
have some purpose for you?
Concepts and theories have most definitely enlightened me on the value of networking and the different forms in which we do it. Learning about these concepts has certainly made an impact on increasing the efficiency of my networking. I now think to use relevant concepts of networking, both online and in real-life situations. I understand that I always managed to network successfully, I just didn't recognise how I was doing it. Now that I can identify this, I can be far more effective with my efforts.
Are you left thinking differently prior to this part of the module? And if so, how?
At the beginning of this module, I think that I was very set in my way of doing things. It wasn't until I tried out and discovered the different methods of journal writing that I really became more open to doing something in a different way to the way I was accustomed to doing it. Now, I definitely appreciate the importance of networking, not necessarily just when applied to my profession but when applied to my life in general, too. I am appreciative of the fact that studying this module has enabled me to develop my learning skills and has improved my professional development.